
Here at Crescent, we have an unwavering ethos of quality first. Although, don't misunderstand us - we love quantity too when appropriate. Just never at the expense of quality. We specialise in injury prevention for life, work or sport and the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and painful conditions. Whether you came to be injured today or have suffered daily pain for many years we aim to provide a thorough and appropriate program of assessment, treatment, rehabilitation and training to address not only your immediate issue but most importantly, the underlying cause. We don’t just aim to fix your problem and get you back to health – we aim to prevent your problem returning and help you become even better than before, whilst ensuring to reduce all the knock-on effects associated with pain and injury; the biggest cause of injury, after all, is previous injury. Of course, you don’t need to be injured or in pain to visit us as this holistic ethos provides the foundation of all our personal training sessions too. Our ethos of quality first applies to everything we do. This means we strive to ensure everyone who sees us is supported to be the best that they can be. Whether you're at the top of your game or the beginning of your journey. Does this mean everyone has to be perfect? Of course not. Does this mean shouting and fist pumps and wild gesticulating? Definitely not. It does mean we nurture an environment in which people feel comfortable to take their own path at their own pace with all the support they need. A pace which is defined by where you are now, where you would like to be and where your body is capable of taking you. Whether this is to lose a few pounds, recover from serious injury or prepare for your next event, you will be supported to follow a highly individualised program of therapy, rehabilitation and exercise which is right for you. You will be encouraged to excel and you may be advised to hold back occasionally, matching the speed of your efforts to the readiness of your body. It’s your journey, it’s all about you and we want you to progress as quickly and as safely as possible. But we don't just want to get you great - we want you to stay great! For a greater insight into our approach check out the blog on the home page and please feel welcome to get in touch anytime.

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